Trigeminal neuralgia is characterized by sudden, severe facial pain that feels like electric shocks. At Symeon Missios, MD Neurosurgery, we understand the severe pain and challenges associated with trigeminal neuralgia. These attacks can be triggered by everyday activities such as brushing teeth, chewing, or even a gentle breeze. Trigeminal neuralgia (TN) is caused by a blood vessel pressing on the trigeminal nerve as it exits the brainstem. This compression causes the nerve to misfire, leading to episodes of intense pain. Here are key aspects of trigeminal neuralgia with our Neurosurgeon On Long Island:
- Sudden, severe facial pain resembling electric shocks
- Pain triggered by everyday activities like brushing teeth and chewing
- Caused by a blood vessel pressing on the trigeminal nerve
- This can lead to recurring episodes of intense pain
Treatment Options
Managing trigeminal neuralgia involves a combination of medical and surgical approaches. Medications are often the first line of treatment and can be effective in reducing or even eliminating pain for some patients. Commonly prescribed medications include anticonvulsants and muscle relaxants, which help control nerve pain. For patients who do not respond to medication, surgical options are available. These include microvascular decompression, which involves relocating or removing the blood vessel causing the compression, and other less invasive procedures like Gamma Knife radiosurgery. Consulting with a skilled neurosurgeon on Long Island can help determine the most appropriate treatment plan based on the severity of the condition and individual patient needs.
Prognosis and Long-Term Outlook
The long-term outlook for trigeminal neuralgia varies widely among patients. While some individuals experience long periods of remission with minimal pain, others may have more persistent symptoms. It is important to note that trigeminal neuralgia can recur even if the pain subsides. Regular follow-ups with a neurosurgeon on Long Island are crucial to monitor the condition and adjust treatments as needed.
Contact Us For A Neurosurgeon On Long Island
If you or a loved one is suffering from trigeminal neuralgia, don’t hesitate to seek help. Schedule a consultation with our neurosurgeon on Long Island to explore your treatment options and take the first step toward relief. Contact Symeon Missios, MD Neurosurgery today and let us help you on your journey to a pain-free life.